Tim Gray
Tim has a background in homelessness, temporary accommodation, outcomes based commissioning, supported housing and partnership working.
He has almost 30 years’ experience working for central and local government, the voluntary sector and housing associations.
Tim has been an innovator in a number of fields. He developed the first Social Impact Bonds in homelessness worldwide, played an important role in supporting local authorities to begin to purchase accommodation through local housing companies to relieve homelessness pressures, developed the first domestic violence reciprocals agreement and pioneered collaborative sub-regional working in homelessness in London.
Tim has also played important roles in the development of government policy and funding mechanisms for homelessness and temporary accommodation.
More recently, Tim led on the development of the Capital Letters joint accommodation procurement project between London boroughs, and has been supporting the LGA on local authority out of area placements. He has also assisted a number of individual local authorities.
Tim is a current Fellow of Practice at the Government Outcomes Lab (GO Lab) at Oxford University.
Example projects:
- LGA – Out of Area Moves
- DCLG – Fair Chance Fund and London Homelessness SIB
- LGA – Housing Our Homeless Households report
- Brent Council – Temporary Accommodation Reform Plan
- London Councils – Capital Letters project
- Essex County Council – Prisoner Housing Protocol
Key areas of work:
Homelessness/ Temporary Accommodation/ Outcomes Based Commissioning/ Partnership Working