Innovation & Improvement
Registered providers and local authorities face unprecedented and complex challenges today. Customers’ expect modern and convenient ways to access services and have diverse and growing needs, yet less external support is available. At the same time landlords are balancing the costs of ensuring building safety and achieving carbon zero goals, changing budgetary constraints, and increased scrutiny and accountability from regulators, the Housing Ombudsmen, and the public.
At CT, we work with registered housing providers, local authorities, and other public sector bodies, to help them overcome these challenges and deliver services that are up-to-date, efficient, effective, and transparent.
We offer a range of solutions that can help you improve your performance, customer satisfaction and social impact.
Find out more by exploring our key services.
Key Services
Your asset strategy needs to navigate building safety, carbon zero, compliance, cost-in-use and quality of life, among a long list of other issues.
The next twenty years look different to the previous twenty. This throws up all sort of challenges that CT can help you to tackle ranging from invest/divest decisions, stock investment, retrofit, delivery channels, procurement and troubleshooting delivery issues.
Campbell Tickell works with local authorities and housing associations across the country to address these questions, maximise efficiency and value for money.
Are you truly listening to residents? Or are you just paying lip service?
We can evaluate how you discern what matters to your customers. And whether your engagement with customers leads to meaningful influence, outcomes and impact.
The Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023 has introduced changes to the consumer regulation regime and we are very well placed, building on our existing IDA support offer, to help housing associations, local authorities, ALMOs and for-profit providers respond to these changes. We can tailor our support to your requirements, for example providing briefings on the regulatory framework, assistance with self-assessment of compliance, help to develop assurance frameworks, and/or practice for inspection. Our support can extend to more detailed reviews and advice in relation to specific areas of practice if required.
Your residents are transacting as much online as you are. Like you, they enjoy the convenience. Of course, not every service demand is best met digitally.
By focusing on those that are you can improve customer experience and reduce cost to serve. We can work with you to define and implement that journey.
We have longstanding experience in helping organisations to arrive at the best answer to big strategic questions across a range of topics such as;
What is the best delivery vehicle for: a development, our repairs service, management of our properties, or should we keep the ALMO?
Our approach to options appraisals will determine the key factors and enable you to reach the best answer supported by excellent data and expertise in similar challenges in other places.
Defining and delivering housing services has never been harder. Customer expectations are changing, support services are reducing and disappearing. What does a modern approach look like for arrears, allocations, repairs. etc.?
Our approach works with you to hear the voices of your customers and having done so translate your strategy into customer service outcomes.
Campbell Tickell is now a recognised and a highly respected player in portfolio acquisition and disposal. Our presence in this space has continued to grow and we have supported clients in the delivery of many of the largest scale transactions in the sector to date.
In challenging times these are the cans that you cannot kick down the road. Understanding your operations and assets through the sustainability lens will improve outcomes for your residents and the planet.
Wherever you are on the journey we can add value. Equipping your Board to reach an informed position; Mapping the journey to EPC Rating C in 2030, or Net Zero 2050; translating strategy into activity; CT can work with you to add value to these and many more aspects.
Your operating model is the framework which translates your strategic intent into customer experiences. Ultimately it defines the part you play in your customer’s lives.
The challenge lies in developing a service model which takes it cues from best customer experiences across the commercial and retail sectors. The opportunity lies in the efficiency savings that can be made as customers are enabled to self-serve and self-solve. Savings that can then be reinvested in support on complex cases, more new homes and/or other corporate priorities.
Campbell Tickell has the experience and insights to support you in re-equipping and re-focusing your model to best respond to the environment you face.