24 October: Tenant Voice in Boards and Governance: have you got it right?
When tenants influence how landlords operate, we see a greater focus on core purpose and a more authentic approach to delivering frontline services. So how can you get this right and get the assurance that the voice of tenants is at the heart of your strategic decision-making?
Our NEW governance support event is dedicated to exploring how you can develop stronger connections between boards and tenants to support board assurance, influence strategic decision-making and to help drive a tenant focussed culture.
Be part of this exciting new session where you will hear from a range of expert speakers and find out about good practice from across the UK.
There will also be an opportunity to share practice and approaches, to explore what’s working, what’s missing and what will make a real difference to governance and your tenants.
If you’ve got this sussed already come along and share your tips. If you’re not sure you’ve got it right come along and find out more.
During this session we will focus on the following:
- Understanding the current sector and policy drivers for creating stronger connections, including regulatory expectations.
- Explore how to effectively hear the tenant voice in your boardroom
- How to include the tenant perspective in your board discussions and strategic decision making
- Examine what needs to be in place to create the right culture and relationships.
Campbell Tickell:
Campbell Tickell is pleased to sponsor the event. Ceri Victory-Rowe, Director at CT, will also join the panel discussion.
Ceri Victory-RoweDirector, Campbell Tickell
Ceri specialises in governance and regulation and her work with Campbell Tickell spans the social housing, charity, public and private sectors.
As well as providing extensive support and advice to individual organisations, Ceri carries out sector-wide assignments: for example, recently co-writing the NHF’s Code of Governance 2020, and supporting Welsh Government to design new regulatory standards for the Welsh social housing sector. Clients tell Ceri they welcome the clear-sightedness and supportive challenge she brings to her work with them.
Immediately prior to joining CT (initially as an associate consultant) she was a consultant with PwC, supporting clients with projects such as local government re-organisation, operating model transformation, contract management and process redesign. Before this Ceri held roles in housing associations, local authorities, the Housing Corporation, and a university. She has extensive experience as a non-executive director including having been previously Vice-Chair of a housing association, Chair of a small homelessness charity and a member of the Regulatory Board for Wales (which oversees the regulation of Welsh housing associations).
She holds an MA(Oxon) in English Language and Literature and an MSc in Housing Practice (with distinction) and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing (FCIH).