18 Sept: Navigating Sustainability: A Housing Board Member’s Guide


Housing organisations can minimise their negative impact on climate change and, at the same time, improve quality of life and cost of living for residents.   

It is crucial that all Board Members participate fully in debates about what to do and how much to do. Understanding your organisation’s operations and assets through a sustainability lens will improve outcomes for your residents and the planet.  

But what is most important to focus on as a Board Member within the multitude of competing demands? How do you link your organisation’s strategic asset management to resident needs? What are the risks of not making sustainability central to your business plans?    

Join Campbell Tickell and a panel of expert speakers to discuss these questions and more this September.


  • Adam Broadway, Associate Consultant, Campbell Tickell
  • Julian Beaney, Business Services Director, Orbit Group 
  • Emma Davies, Board Member on Good Homes Alliance, and Principal Sustainability Officer for Cambridge City Council

This session is being chaired by Campbell Tickell Director, Jon Slade.

Our speakers will cover:

  • Why a ‘sustainability lens’ matters 
  • What good practice looks like at Board and Executive level. 
  • Residents: understanding the link between sustainability and customer needs 
  • Risks and rewards: making sustainability ‘business as usual.’ 

We will seek to unpack this complex subject and make the case for a wider intervention of sustainability. 

The panel discussion will be followed by Q&A with the audience. 

Who should attend

Board members in registered providers (Housing associations, for-profits and local authorities). 

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18 Sep 2024


1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

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  • Adam Broadway
    Adam Broadway

    Associate Consultant, Campbell Tickell

  • Emma Davies
    Emma Davies

    Board Member on Good Homes Alliance. Principal Sustainability Officer for Cambridge City Council

    Emma works for the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service as a Principal Sustainability Officer and is also a Board Member of the Good Homes Alliance, a non-profit community interest company with over 125 member organisations from across the built environment industry who seek to go beyond business as usual and collaborate to deliver homes fit for the 21st century. Her role includes developing planning policy related to climate change mitigation and adaptation and providing technical advice on planning applications and wider corporate projects related to sustainable design and construction.

  • Jon slade
    Jon slade
    Director, Campbell Tickell
  • Julian Beaney
    Julian Beaney

    Julian Beaney is Business Services Director at Orbit one of the UK’s largest social housing providers. Julian’s range of responsibilities at Orbit include Sustainability, Policy, Insight and Performance. Julian is also a Board Member at Tuntum Housing Association in Nottingham. He is a fellow of the CIH and has a postgraduate Masters and professional housing qualification from the London School of Economics.

    Starting his career in frontline Housing Management Julian has a depth of housing sector experience leading a range of operational and strategic portfolios as well as a track record of transforming services across the public and private sectors.

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18 Sept: Navigating Sustainability: A Housing Board Member’s Guide

Housing organisations can minimise their negative impact on climate change and, at the same time, improve quality of life and cost of living for residents.   

It is crucial that all Board Members participate fully in debates about what to do and how much to do. Understanding your organisation’s operations and assets through a sustainability lens will improve outcomes for your residents and the planet.  

But what is most important to focus on as a Board Member within the multitude of competing demands? How do you link your organisation’s strategic asset management to resident needs? What are the risks of not making sustainability central to your business plans?    

Join Campbell Tickell and a panel of expert speakers to discuss these questions and more this September.

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