Issue: 60 | June 2022
Maggie Rafalowicz
Director, Campbell Tickell
Welcome to our latest issue featuring local government
It doesn’t get any easier for local authorities. Fresh from playing a leading role at local level to help us all through the pandemic, they now face a range of challenges, some new, some old: a funding settlement well below inflation, higher fuel and other costs, pay demands, increasing poverty, accommodating refugees, rising homelessness, the social care system in danger of collapse, the net zero-carbon agenda and more. All this while seeking to make devolution work and contributing meaningfully to the levelling-up agenda.
But councils have consistently shown great resilience in the face of significant and sometimes systemic problems, alongside imagination and innovation. In this issue, we highlight a number of local initiatives to tackle a range of the difficulties so many face, while identifying best practice in such areas as organisational transformation, budget-setting, learning from complaints, the quality of housing, decarbonisation, diversity in leadership, sport and local communities, mental health, homelessness, and recruiting the people you need to deliver the results you seek.
We hope you enjoy this issue and find it valuable!
Disclaimer: We welcome guest blogs and articles for our website and CT Brief. The views, opinions and positions expressed in such blogs and articles represent those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Campbell Tickell.
In this issue
Maggie Rafalowicz, Director, Campbell Tickell | Richard Blakeway, Housing Ombudsman | Dave Roberts, Senior Associate, Campbell Tickell | Helen Brzozowski, Managing Partner, arc4 | Joanne Drew, Housing and Regeneration Director, Enfield Council | Vicky Sibson, Strategic Housing Services Manager, Gateshead Council | Kevin Scarlett, Service Director Strategic Housing and Residential Growth, Gateshead Council | Eleanor Purser, Co-Strategic Director Sustainable Growth and Opportunity, Lambeth Council | Sara Waller, Co-Strategic Director Sustainable Growth and Opportunity, Lambeth Council | Gemma Prescot, Senior Consultant and Head of Interim Management, Campbell Tickell | Abdul A. Ravat, Non-executive Director, and community cricket campaigner | Moh Hussein, Head of Housing, Arun District Council | Mary Hayes, Director, Dublin Region Homeless Executive | Peter Molyneux, Chair, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust