Case Study
Tackling the recruitment and retention crisis in adult social care
With staff turnover rates across the adult social care sector of 35%, Surrey Care Association who represent and support over 230 providers of adult social care in Surrey, commissioned Campbell Tickell to conduct research to help tackle the issue.

The Brief
Part of The Workforce Structure Project, funded by Surrey County Council and supported by Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System, the research aimed to:
- Review current job roles/competencies in care
- Assess these against comparable roles in and outside of the care market
- Provide a template job description/competency framework
- Establish what constitutes fair pay and competitive salary to attract skilled workers
The results of the research would then provide insight to:
- Improve the quality of care services and job retention rates
- Enable a revaluation of care roles within the sector
Our Approach
We worked on the following:
The research gathered in-depth feedback from more than 100 people from 25 different organisations and connections to social care in Surrey. Research participants included: working age adults accessing care, their families, professional care workers, care service providers and those commissioning care services.
Salary benchmarking was undertaken as part of the research and identified that care roles in Surrey are undervalued by between 8% and 20%.
The Results
The results of the research were provided in a report and presented to SCA members at their spring conference in May 2022.
A structured and evidence-based set of role descriptions for social care that better reflect the changing role of care workers.
Recognise the range of skills and competencies required and provide an outline career pathway.
Recommendations for pay scales and appropriate terms and conditions.
A job evaluation framework that could be used by SCA members to assess the relative value of different jobs in the workplace.
A job evaluation enables a comparison of jobs to provide an objective ranking of posts, which can then be used to guide how salaries are set for different roles.
Key Contact
If you would like to discuss our work, please get in touch.

Liz Zacharias