3 Oct: CT-DIN-Salesforce Webinar: Customer engagement – fresh perspectives
Campbell Tickell and the Disruptive Innovators Network are pleased to invite you to our webinar this Autumn to discuss our latest joint report published in July 2023. Kindly supported by Salesforce, our report offers fresh perspectives from across housing, not-for-profit and commercial sectors on customer engagement and how housing providers can innovate to better engage with their tenants and residents.
Customer engagement between tenants and landlords remains a critical issue for the housing sector. In this webinar, we’ll engage with some of the key questions the report asks, such as:
- How can data be fully utilised within a customer engagement strategy?
- How can using an innovative organisational mindset improve customer engagement?
- Can moving away from fixed engagement infrastructures (e.g. resident associations) encourage effective engagement and lasting change?
- How do organisations define how they will hear customer voices ensuring full representation?
Our panel will be made up of speakers who took part in research for the report, as well as our senior leads at Campbell Tickell and Disruptive Innovator’s Network. We look forward to discussing the report findings and hearing your reflections too.
For any enquiries, please contact:
Campbell Tickell: events@campbelltickell.com
Disruptive Innovators Network: ian.wright@disruptiveinnovatorsnetwork.co.uk
Salesforce: tlancefield@salesforce.com