We are really pleased to bring you the new CT Brief – Issue 55
This CT Brief explores some of the important questions and challenges facing organisations in a variety of sectors at this point. Inside, authors explore some of the silver linings of the last year, what organisations can do to support staff and leadership wellbeing and mental health, and how lockdown restrictions have forced organisations to rethink how they engage with customers.
The challenges that lie ahead in terms of housing and climate change are examined, and we report chief executives’ thoughts about how the housing sector should respond to damp and mould issues. There is discussion about how recruitment can be used as a tool to tackle systemic racism, and information about the important work of charity The Black Curriculum, which our team has chosen as one of our charity partners for 2021. Last and by no means least, we hear from the fans and organisations trying to improve the world of football regulation and governance.
What’s Inside?
Sliver linings, James Tickell, Partner, Campbell Tickell
Has anyone noticed the apocalypse?, Ian McDermott, Chief Executive, Catalyst Housing Group
Condensation, damp and organisational culture, Annie Field, Consultant Researcher, Campbell Tickell
Decarbonisation in Europe, Joost Nieuwenhuijzen, Managing Director & Lily Maxwell, Network Coordinator, European Federation for Living
Housing across the island of Ireland, Paddy Gray, Professor of Housing
- Shine a light, Aileen Evans, Group Chief Executive, Grand Union Housing Group
CEO wellbeing, Tracey McEachran, Senior Associate Consultant, Campbell Tickell
- Home makers, Kush Rawal, Director of Residential Investment, Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing
A national response to the housing crisis, Ninesh Muthiah, Chief Executive, Home Connections
Fair Game, Niall Couper, Director, Fair Game
Fan club, Martin Cloake and Katrina Law, Co-chairs, Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust and Heather McKinlay, Chair, Charlton Athletic Supporters’ Trust
The Black Curriculum, Addie Tadesse, Integrated Comms Lead, The Black Curriculum
Candidate debate, Dawn Matthews, Senior Consultant, Campbell Tickell
The home office, Matthew Wilson, Member Engagement Officer at the Northern Housing Consortium and GEM Programme (Graduate Employment Mentoring)
Support network, Susan French, Chief Executive, Barnsbury Housing Association
- Hearing residents’ voices, Jon Slade, Director, Campbell Tickell and Darren Hartley, Chief Executive, TAROE Trust
Introducing Viewber, Jonathan Gregory, Associate, Campbell Tickell
Resident engagement in a pandemic, Alara Gokceoglu, Consultant Researcher, Campbell Tickell
Read the new CT Brief – Issue 55
To discuss any topics raised in these articles, contact Zina Smith on: zina.smith@campbeltickell.com